In response to the disturbingly low media literacy seen in the Church, and the rising concern over disinformation on social media, Mark founded and launched the project in 2020. The project aims to alert the church of the dangers of social media, and equip the church to take a stand against its polarizing, disorienting, deceiving, dividing, and damaging effects.
As the founder of the project, Mark has spent much of his time, crafting the vision, desiging the brand, and writing the docuseries scripts for each of the six episodes. Concurrently, Mark is writing and filming a number of prequels, released on YouTube, to generate awareness for the project, and build up the following. As a way of supporting Mark's efforts, please consider subscribing to the YouTube channel, and following the on Twitter.
Mark is reaching out to church leaders, pastors, authors, tech academics, creatives, to speak into this conversation, effectively crowd sourcing the collective tech wisdom.
When completed, the docuseries willl be packaged and delivered to churches like the "Alpha Program", complete with study guides, workbooks and supplemental resources.
Thought Leadership + Writing
Public Speaking
In January 2021, Mark began writing and filming a ten part prequel series titled "10 Resolutions for the MediaWise Church". These resolutions articulate Mark's heartbeat for the project, and the resolve of the moving forward.
Logo + Brand Design
The logo speaks to the tension between the Christian faith - the cross, and online media, symbolized by the triangle play button.
Icon Design
Mark created icons for each of the six episodes of the docuseries to convey the "big idea" behind each.
Campaign Development
Merchandise Design
Website Design
The website is built with a React and Gatsby frontend, with data piped in from a ConveyorCMS backend, using GraphQL.
Mark wrote, narrated, and animated this teaser trailer for the docuseries to help generate intrigue and interest in the project.
It intentionally uses some of the very techniques that the Church is up against in the misinformation age, including the dramatic and intense soundtrack, and the dark motif of a night drive down a winding highway.
The majority of the work was done in Adobe AfterEffects, with assets designed in Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.