In 2014, Mark began an ambitious project, using a location based geo-fencing technology popularized by Apple called iBeacons. Soon, Airalytics was born, a data driven proximity engagement platform with interior mapping and augmented reality location based engagement features. A platform where proximity engagement is customized to meet the specific brand, marketing and communication objectives of each deployment, whether it be a convention centre, a shopping mall, a theme park, a museum, an event, or any venue for that matter. As the name implies, every engagement is captured with end-to-end data analytics, visualizations and modelling for real world insights.
Marketing Collateral
Illustration + Animation
Mark wrote, narrated, illustrated, and animated this bite sized 2 minute promo video describing this emerging technology. The goal was to demonstrate the benefits of iBeacons, proximity engagement, and real-time marketing to the trade show industry, specifically outdoor and sports shows, motorcycle shows, auto shows, home and garden, wedding and even craft shows.
Website Design + Development
Mark designed and developed the Airalytics website on WordPress, as an overview of the Airalytics platform, the AirPod hardware, and the Airaltyics real-time engagement app.
App Design + Development
The Airalytics app, released for consumers under the Splorify brand, presents the augmented reality, real-time engagement as an adventure. Every adventure must have an expedition lead, an explorer, a "splorer" as it were, to show the way. Mark illustrated each splorer specific to the different venues and environments the Splorify app and Airalytics platform is deployed. For the Toronto Motorcycle Show, the splorer wears a helmet and leather jacket. For the Toronto Zoo, the splorer is wearing a pith helmet and is peering through binoculars. For the Ontario Science Centre, the splorer is wearing a lab coat and protective goggles. For the Toronto Aquarium the splorer is wearing a deep sea diving suit.
Data Portal Development
Icon Design
Within the Airalytics platform, the various AirPods engage with the mobile app according to various triggering mechanisms, whether it be distance, duration, or history. The AirPods themselves, provide varying degrees of engagement, such as offering a promo, or pushing a one question survey. Mark designed custom iconography to distinguish the various functions and purposes of each AirPod.
Hardware Design
Central to the Airalytics platform and real-time marketing are AirPods, small Bluetooth devices capable of broadcasting a signal up to 20 metres. This how the Airalytics app triangulates indoor positioning for live, location-aware maps and proximity engagment.